Sakura Roleplay Build

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Name: Sakura;
Race: Imperial, Akaviri descendant;
Born at: The roads of Skyrim;
Mother: Kazura Yu, Imperial and Akaviri descendant, Farmer/Merchant, death date on Sakura's birth;
Father: Josh Silverhand, Imperial, Errant merchant, alive near Imperial City territory.

Yukyo, born in the Imperial City. Rebelling against her father's way of life, an errant merchant, she took a not so different way of life, becoming an errant too, but as a bandit, a burglar and changed her name to Sakura to not disgrace her father, after all she still loved him.
She don't have taste for blood, just wanted the good "click click" of gold in her's pocket and some adventure through the world.
One day when she was crossing though the mountains to Skyrim, a complete new sigh for her. Using a caravan as cover to not attracting the authorities attention on her, she joinned this simple merchants telling 'em that she were going to protect the caravan as a bodyguard from bandits, most probably acquaintances of her working in that area. One morning they were riding when suddenly appeared soldiers wearing blue coats running in theirs way being followed by a ruge contingent of imperial soldiers, it was a damn Imperial ambush for the few rebels in blue coat know as Stormcloks .
That caravan had innocent people, and between the innocents a little girl, about 6 years old that was impressed with Sakura's stories of adventure what made Sakura also start to like the child during the journey. Everybody was trespassed by arrows and spears, but Sakura survived, thanks the little girl who protected her with her little body while Sakura was trying to survive, to hide as she did so many times after leaving her father's comfort and protection.
The vision of that child covered in her own blood with a smile on her face, shocked her most than anything an her life, she misses her father's speech about business now, the peace that it brought her, but now she only could think in revenge, this people don't deserve to die like that they even were wearing swords. "Bastards imperial soldiers!" she thought when she was knocked down with a hit at her head.
Awaking she was tied along Stormcloaks soldiers and Ulfrik the leader of their's rebellion. Reaching an imperial fort with a nord name of Helgen the imperial soldiers were about to chop her head off as a Stormcloak rebel. She felt an uneasy making her heart start to beat as it was about to explode out of her mouth, when a strange wind brought noises to everybody ears. Her eyes got a glimpse of a black figure first than even the watch tower could, a black ruge shadow flying in her way, it was a Dragon as she never imagined before, no tale could put that image in words.
Some time after she had testified the strength of a Dragon in Helgen she has decided two things. The first she was going to avenge that little girls and hers family, putting an end to the Empire effort in this region of the world, she will free Skyrim from theirs influence and second she want to learn how to bend the will of the dragons to use theirs strength as she wishes.

ps.1: Changed her name, from Yuka to Sakura, i think this suites her better. And changed her fathers name too.
ps.2: Rewrote the story, cuz it was awful. I was typing fast with few time and could not stop to think better till now.

Pls let me know if i wrote something wrong and if your liking pls endorse this and the next Sakura's pictures.