Apachii WIGS - HELP

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So I'm making the Apachi SkyHair WIGS, and I bump into a questions that only YOU as user can answer.

1. Do you want Clothing and Armored wigs ?

2. If you want Armored Wigs, which stats should they have ?

3. Should I place the wigs in the testinghall next to the conjurable forge I'm planning to make ? Or maybe I should make a little "wigs-cell" which is reachable throught the console ?

4. Do you want player-only-wigs (which have the haircolor you chose in the showracemenu) in a seperate plugin ?

I'll be ever so gratefull if ALL who read this and plan on downloading my plugin would answer these questions. Don't be shy or worry about your english, if I don't understand I'll ask google translate.

Please help me make your plugin perfect !

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  1. evenstargw
    • member
    • 108 kudos
    Have some music while thinking about the answers !!

    Feedback till now:

    -MiccAs : No to armored wigs
    -MiccAs : For sale at merchants & craftable
    -MiccAs : 1st seperate plugins, then merge them all.
    -AurianaValoria1 : craftable racemenu wigs
    -zzJay : chest in quasmoke or placed at player
    -zzJay : Yes to armored wigs
    -zzJay : Seperate plugin for racemenu wigs
    -LisnPuppy : Yes to armored wigs
    -LisnPuppy : Temperable, Enchantable and lots of colors
    -LisnPuppy : Seperate "wigs-cell"
    -Dazaster : Yes to armored wigs
    -Darkonus : No to multiple versions of the wigs (Light/Heavy/Cloth)
    -Darkonus : Seperate "wigs-cell" and/or craftable wigs
    -Darkonus : Player-only wigs included in 1 plugin
    -Vintage71 : Yes to armor stats, with at least Leather stats
    -Vintage71 : Buyable from merchants

  2. MiccAs
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I dunno about armored wigs, I think I would prefer non armored ones (more realistic? ) but armored ones are OK too About placing I think a merchant is a nice idea but creating those wigs at forge or tanning rack (realism, yep xD) is good either
    I'd love to see wigs with color I have choosed in racemenu, I thought about it for Apachii's helmet wigs, are you going to do something like this too? And about plugins: is it possible that you'll do separate all-in-one plugin? But after all it's up to you of course Whatever you'll do I'll be happy to try your mod on, it can contain armored wigs, dragon-scales-wigs, wigs forgable with poop etc. (no, seriously, don't make wigs forgable with poop... No one expects the Lore Inquisition!) Anyway, thanks for your hard work, this mod sounds great :3
    1. evenstargw
      • member
      • 108 kudos
      About the helmetwigs, I have not thought to do that, tho it could be a nice expansion of this mod. I will first publish standard wigs, ... then I will make them all take the player-haircolor and script them for a seperate plugin and as third i could look into helmet wigs with the haircolorscript. Noted and thanks for the idea !

      Thanks for your reply and have a nice day
    2. MiccAs
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      It was my pleasure to help
  3. AurianaValoria1
    • premium
    • 489 kudos
    I like the idea of player-only craftable wigs.
    1. evenstargw
      • member
      • 108 kudos
      The ones that take the players chosen haircolor I assume

      Noted ! ...

      And thanks for the reply
  4. zzjay
    • premium
    • 2,768 kudos
    i'd place a chest in qasmoke...or even unspawned that the player can spawn where he is...

    and maybe helmet wig,since they'd replace the headgear...

    and since i don't have skse...i'd make wigs uncolorable,and make and paint the diffuse as i want it,but since not many edits dds,use he sks script fromashara POTW
    1. evenstargw
      • member
      • 108 kudos
      Thanks for the feedback !

      I have indeed asked Ashara for permission to use the script from PotW.
      I think that script requires SKSE, but i'll have to study that better to be sure
      I think I'll make a second plugin with the scripted wigs that take the players haircolor. So the normal plugin doesnt require SKSE or such things.

      The idea I had, with invisible helmets (see my reply to Darkonus, below), I still prefer.

      Placing a chest in quasmoke is, as far as I know, going to affect the compatibility, so i'll stick to my own wigs cell, reachable with either a spell or a coc command.
      Putting all wigs in 1 chest to be spawned at the player, is a good idea, although I think people are gonna complain about the amount (we are talking 64 wigs x 8 colors = 512 items in 1 chest (counting only clothing wigs now)).

      Anyhow I will take note of your feedback. Thanks again for replying !
  5. Lisnpuppy
    • premium
    • 205 kudos
    I like wigs for player only. Both light and heavy armor and no armor with very very low stats (like 2-3 points to start) and if they can be improved groovy for that. I would like them to be enchantable also. Also in a cell is fine.

    I like stats especially if they are going into a slot I typically use an armored piece.
    I like the wigs to have lots of colors as I use them as disguises too. ha ha

    1. evenstargw
      • member
      • 108 kudos
      Thank you for your reply.

      At first my heart made a jump, "crap a moderator" ... what have I done wrong :O , but ofcourse you are a player aswell (the fear of the moderator kicked in LOL).

      I'm not sure if the no armor version can have armor stats at all though. I will have to test that and try it out. If it can't maybe the Fur and Iron will suffice as starter helms .
      Upto now I have 6 basic colors plus some extra's like dipdyed and special colors.
      Once the mod is online, I think comming weekend, I'm always open to suggestions ofcourse.

      I will take your feedback into consideration and try to please as much people as I can.

      Again thanks for the feedback.
      The more people that give me feedback, the better the mod becomes for the community
  6. Dazaster
    • premium
    • 408 kudos
    I'd prefer to buy them from a merchant, but going into the testinghall isn't so bad.
    I'd like both un-armored and armored.
    Armored should be 2 sets, light like a leather as Vintage71 says, and also heavy, maybe orcish strength because : I'd like to use one to replace Serana's hood. There's a mod which makes helms/hoods resist sunlight for vampires, so...
    I don't care for player only because of above.
    I don't want to go into racemenu to change them.

    Those are all my demands for now , thank you.
    1. evenstargw
      • member
      • 108 kudos
      Hey mr D,

      Thanks for your feedback
      Yes, the method I described to Darkonus has as negative side that followers with a vanilla armored hood/helmet will most likely prefer to wear that one, they'll probably not equip the clothing wig if given. The mod you have thatmakes hoods/helmets protect vampires against the sun, will that work for custom content, or only for vanilla items ? If it does work for custom, the wig as clothing shouldnt be a problem because the wig works like a hood/helmet. But the prefering of her own hood could be a problem, unless you take it from her throught the console command "remove item".

      Anyhow I will do my best to meet everyone's demands and make the mod enjoyable for everyone, ... I cannot, however, please everyone. If needed I will help out with either console commands or support so you can change your own plugin to your tastes.

      Really someone oughta make a converter for Skyrim, as I have done for Oblivion. I would, but this papyrus-scripting is totally new for me.

      Again thanks for the feedback !
  7. Darkonus
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    That all depends on how the finished product would function for me.

    One of the things you've shown is that different colored wigs could be mixed and matched to achieve some really interesting results. If you can equip multiple wigs then armor could potentially be stacked very high, which some people would like and some wouldn't and I imagine a lot would be like me and wouldn't care much about the slightly unfair advantage my hair is giving me in deflecting the blows of my enemy's weapons. xP

    So as a more direct answer to your questions;

    1 - Not particularly, unless the wigs replace helmets completely. Then I would want them to give some armor.
    2 - That's an excellent question considering the above. It would be sort of silly to make an iron/steel/dwarven/etc. variant of each wig. I would even say cloth/light/heavy would be overkill.
    3 - That's another one that wouldn't effect me much as long as we can already craft the wigs. If we can't craft them then it would be useful to have a chest somewhere that has a half dozen or so of each wig to use as reference, yeah, and if choosing between the default testing hall and a new cell, I'd always opt for a new cell to ensure maximum compatibility.
    4 - I would prefer a single plugin rather than multiple. If anything you could have several plugins with different presets and have people use only one at a time, but I personally prefer fewer plugins to keep things that much more organized and clean.

    In closing, I very much liked the idea of having multiple hair colors through wigs. If you do figure out or have figured out how to match the color to your character, then maybe you could think about having another variant of the wigs that use preset colors? Thanks in advance for your contribution to the community and I hope my feedback was useful to you. I liked the song by the way. :3
    1. evenstargw
      • member
      • 108 kudos
      Thank you for your feedback

      I think you misunderstood, the wigs are not mixed and matched; they are multicolored textures. So you cannot equip multiple wigs at once actually.
      I actually got an idea last night; I wanted to make the wigs themself clothing only and add several "invisible helmets" too this plugin. This invisible helmet has no assigned slot, but does give the armor rating of eg. dwarven. Because there is no assigned slot the player will be able to equip more then one helmet, but It's the player's responsibility to (not) abuse that. It would reduce the amount of wigs I have to put in the plugin greatly (say by app. 200), because the invisible helmet would be equipable with any wig. This way you can even choose wether you want the stats of an Leather or Ebony helmet or whatever type you want.
      Like this I think I'm even playing save with the perks like matching set and such.

      As I said before I'll be making a conjurable forge, so your standard forge menu won't be cluttered with wigs. And I think I'll make a seperate cell in which I will put that forge and some containers with the wigs themself, reachable throught either a spell or a coc command.

      I'm still debating on wether I want to put the wigs that match the player's own hair in the same plugin. I'm not sure about that one yet.

      I greatly appreciate your feedback and will surely take your answers into consideration. Your feedback was indeed very usefull...

      Good you liked the song
  8. Vintage71
    • account closed
    • 3 kudos
    If by clothing and armored you mean non armored and armored, I'd say yes, with the armored at least level with a leather helm.
    Can you make them buyable from merchants?
    1. evenstargw
      • member
      • 108 kudos
      Yes thats exactly what I mean,... so for Light Armor at least Leather stats.
      Noted ...

      About the buyable from merchants, if it works similar as in Oblivion, with an added chest to their merchandise-goods, I can indeed. The negative side of that is that merchants would end up with a mega-list of sale goods. That's an annoying thing. So maybe I can make a random list, and give that to the merchants, so that say Belethor has i.e. 3 wigs for sale randomly which model and color.

      Anyhow I will take your wishes into consideration and try to do something with it that causes the least annoyance and compatibility issues.

      Thank you for your feedback !!!