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Descripition: Adds a three-level dungeon-style area with floating platforms, puzzles, unique bosses, and a few Easter eggs. The entrance is in Riverwood (look at the screenshots for location). You will have to go through obstacles to reach the bosses and earn the rewards at the end. There are three bosses, and three reward chests. There are references to other games here including Morrowind, Oblivion, Diablo, and even from the Lord of the Rings movies.
Install: Place the files in your Skyrim/data folder and make sure that the mod is activated in Data Files.
Uninstall: Deactivate the mod in Data Files and delete TheJumpEvent.esp and TheJumpEvent.bsa.
Notes: -If you fall, you will be teleported back to the start. -The area is dark - you will need a light source. If you don't have any, there are some torches lying around the area. -The area is not follower-friendly - it is not recommended to bring any followers