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About this mod

Everspring Grotto was created specifically for the SKYRE Underground Home Challenge. This lush and open underground home is located south of Pelagia Farm in the major hold of Whiterun overlooking the city and surrounding area.

Permissions and credits

Project: Everspring Grotto
Author: Carah
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 6/30/2012
Category: Houses

Available in Russian thanks to Larite from
Link located under the Mirrors tab.

Skyrim (for version 1.2a only)
(older versions do not require any patch)

Change Log:
Redone navmesh (I followed the tutorial from the Creation Kit Site. I'm hoping I've fixed the issue with followers teleporting to their destination within the interior). If it didn't make a difference, I don't know what else to do.
Rotated chest in kitchen area.
Fixed the issue with weapons not mounting correctly on racks.
Mannequins are still creepy.
Removed a few trees to improve FPS within the interior.
Fixed trouble areas; no more getting stuck... I hope.
Added a fire pit in front of the sitting area outside.

Version 1.2a will require the latest patch 1.7 and your Update .esm activated.

If you're updating:
Un-install the older version of Everspring and make a clean save (don't forget to take out any important loot you may have in the Grotto before you un-install).
Then install the latest version of Everspring Grotto.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Added light source between smelter and wood chopping block. Brighter light at sitting area, enchanting area, master bed and guest bed, dinning area, and smithy.
Removed curtains on master bed; an elegant idea but impractical for followers.
It will be dark in areas where light is not needed.

Everspring Grotto was created specifically for the SKYRE Underground Home Challenge. This lush and open underground home is located south of Pelagia Farm in the major hold of Whiterun overlooking the city and surrounding area.

This follower friendly underground player home has almost everything a player could need.
Dinning and kitchen area seats 4, with respawning food containers.
Master bedroom area sleeps 2, furnished with wardrobes, drawers, a chest, bookshelf, and racks for weapons, which all can be safely used for storage. Guest bedroom area that sleeps one.
Blacksmith area with forge, smelter, grinding wheel, workbench, tanner, pell, weapon racks and plaques, mannequin, and chests for safe storage.
Sitting area with display cases, mannequins, weapon racks and plaques, bookshelf, and chest for safe storage.
Bathing area sits 3.
Enchanting area with bookshelves, soul gems, and a chest for safe storage.
Alchemy area with ingredients, chests for safe storage, weapon racks, mannequin, and plenty of botanicals planted throughout the home, with respawning insects buzzing around.
Little extras include a shrine of Kynareth, some items on tables and shelves like potions, armour, soul gems, and weapons should respawn, and are aligned to your player's level.

1. Copy the Meshes and Textures folder and EverspringGrotto.esp file to SteamsteamappscommonskryimData
2. Start Skyrim Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the .esp file.

1. Start Skyrim Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file.
2. Delete the following files:


None that I know.

Known Issues or Bugs:
Minor issue with your follower not following you everywhere you go but they do have access to everything.

You can send me a message at TES Alliance or TES Nexus. I'm Carah at both sites.

Blary - Food Container Resource
InsanitySorrow - Soap Resource
Lilith - Lilith's Weapon Plaques Resource
Oaristy - Modders Resource Pack

Thanks to Bethesda for creating Skyrim.
Thanks to Shezrie at SKYRE.
Thanks to InsanitySorrow for the ReadMe Generator this ReadMe is based on.

Tools Used:
Skyrim Creation Kit
ReadMe Generator
A pot of coffee