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About this mod

An Automatic Variants Port. The author of the textures is AlienSlof. This AVP has NOT been publicly available before (NEW). Contents: 47 textures: Horse(35), Zebra(5), Dog(1),Sabrecat(2),Skeever(2),Wolf(2). AV by Leviathan1753 makes it possible that when 6 horses are shown there is a change (depends on the dices) that all 6 use a different texture.

Permissions and credits

  • Wednesday 2012-08-01. Version 1.0 has been released. Major improvement is that it can now be installed with Wrye Bash 299 as well. I want to thank Arkangel for his help to get this working. Support for NMM and MO was already implemented.
  • Friday 2012-08-03: Version 1.1 has been released. AV-tized he last 10 Horse mare textures. Used the textures from AlienSlofs latest update not the older ones.

This mod page contains a so called Automatic Variants Package (AVP) which is ONLY usable in combination with Automatic Variants by Leviathan1753. A better description would be Automatic Variants Port because I did not create the textures myself but I'm using textures created by real texture artists.

Information about Automatic Variants

  • A video found on youtube and created by Sounaipr (author of a few AV Packages ) shows AV in action using a few of the availabe AV packages.
  • Also this slideshow of pictures of AV-tized NPC's created by Leviathan1753 might give you a good impression
  • More information about Automatic Variants and what it is can be found on my on my Nexus page called "Wolverines collection of Automatic Variants Ports tools and resources"

That page will act as a central hub where amongst other things an overview of my collection of AV Ports is shown and links to the corresponding mod pages. This is also the reason that I have disabled the forum here, so all questions, remarks can be centralized.

I have contacted AlienSlof and asked her if I could use her excellent textures for an AV Port and she give me permission, for which I'm grateful. This resulted in the creation of the AV Port shown below.

The way I see it, its not up to me to decide what textures users should use or like. This is also the opinion of the auhor of Automatic Variants. AV has a GUI which enables users to enable/disable specific textures for a NPC. It also has a .dds file viewer builtin which shows a flattened skin of a NPC. Hence users can create the Skyrim experience they prefer

Discussion forum

For questions, problems and genreal discussion visit my central hub. I had accidentily enabled the forum here, but it will (probably) be disabled in the future.

Automatic Variant Port

Name: Wolverines AV Ports -- Author is AlienSlof
Author of the used textures: AlienSlof
Total number of variant: 47
Contents: Variants for Horse(35), Zebra like Horse(5), Dog(1), Sabrecat(2), Skeever(2), Wolf(2)
Initial release: 2012-07-21 version 0.8
Latest version: 1.1
Released: 2012-08-03
Requirements: Automatic Variants 1.5.1+
Updates: This release adds 10 more horse retextures (two each for the five different types of horses) and now ALL her horse mare versions are done. Also this releases uses the textures from her 1.1 release, the old AVP used the textures from her first release. She has corrected some mistakes in the 1.1 release. She has also aded a new "Horse Retex Pack 7" AND a Base Retex Pack. The base retex pack horses look quite a bit like the vanilla ones BUT they still have a different touch to them. Hence 10 new textures.

Spport for Nexus Mod Manager, Mod Organizer (untested by me but reported to work by a user) and Wrye Bash 299.
The AVP ues the textures of the first released Slofs Horses package, which are mares. Since then she has released a stallion version (all 6 packs) and released a mare pack (all 6 orginal ones). She wrote on her modpage "22 June 2012: Tweaked some mistakes on the base mare textures and added stallions. Both retextures now include the relevant mesh.weaked mares and added stallions to Alt Pack 1, complete with meshes." As AV currently does not handle meshes which mean a Stallion AVP is atm useless because certain parts "do not fit" . If did not notice problems with the mare version though. If AV supports meshes its entirely possible I'm gonna make an Stallion AVP and a redone mare AVP with the adjusted meshes.

The zebras are HorseRetex03 as shown in the AV GUI. If you don't like them you can disable them.

Upgrading to version 1.10

Before installing the new version you HAVE to uninstall the old version.

The fail proof way to do it, which I have checked with Leviathan1753, the author of Automatic Variants.
  • Erase old version <skyrim install dir>Data\textures\AV Packages\Wolverines AV Ports -- Author is AlienSlof" by deleting the directory.<li>Install new version </li><li>Start AV. Optional: (if paranoid) check 'Force patch on exit'. Exit AV and a new patch will be created). <br></li></skyrim>

The reason for this approach is that sometimes a so called Gather&Exit does not work and that a few files can be left behind. Normally this isn't that much of a problem BUT I have changed the directory structure to allow for easy adding of Stallions when AV supports meshes. In a future version of AV no files have to be moved around and everything will be done with NTFS hardlinks (basically shortcuts).

Installation with an installer

Install with Nexus Mod Manager(NMM) using the 'Download with manager' button in the file section.
Wrye Bash: Do a manual download of the mod and install it using the normal WB procedure. Before installing/activating right click on the mod in the 'Installers' tab and set 'Has extra directories'

Unstallation with an installer

Start the AV GUI, enable the "Wolverines AV Ports -- Author is AlienSlof" AVP and perform a 'Gather&Exit'
Uninstall using NMM or WB using the normal procedure.

Manual install

Copy the SkyProc Patchers and Docs directories of the 'manually downloaded' file ' to the Skyrim/Data directory.

Manual uninstall

Start the AV GUI, enable the "Wolverines AV Ports -- Author is AlienSlof" AVP and do a 'Gather&Exit'.
Goto the "SkyProc Patchers\Automatic Variants\AV Packages" directory and remove directory Wolverines AV Ports -- Author is AlienSlof.
Goto the <skyrim install dir>/data/docs/wolverine2710 directory and delete directory AV Port Author is AlienSlof. If there are no other directories in this wolverine2710 directory you can remove it. <br><br><strong><font style="color: #ff8000;"><font size="3">Testing of the AV Port</font></font></strong> <br><br>On the central hub there are batch files to spawn NPC's, these can be download <a href="http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20863" rel="nofollow">here</a>. <br><br><strong><font style="color: #ff8000;"><font size="3">Feedback</font></font></strong> <br><br>I would LOVE to receive information regarding the crediting of the authors, info about the contents, the readme files (clear or unreadable, up to date) etcetera. This would enable me to create better AV Ports and also faster.<br><br><font style="color: #ff8000;"><font size="3"><strong>Endorsements</strong></font></font> <br><br><font style="color: #ff8000;"><strong>If you download and use this AV Port I would highly appreciate it if you visit the homepage of the author who created the textures, do a manual download of the mods used in this AV Port AND endorse the author</strong></font>. In the 'Files' section at the top of any Nexus page there is a 'Download history' option which gives an overview of all the mods you have downloaded and its status (endorsed or not endorsed). Remark: Unless you have a Premium account the 'download history' will be reset at the beginning of a new month. The "endorsement/unique downloads" ratio for ALL mods on the Nexus is ridiculous low. My rule of thumb: If I download and use a mod I endorse. I would not mind if you endorse this mod as well. I have quite a lot of private AV Ports and endorsements would give me an incentive to create more public AV Ports. What can I say, I'm only human..... <br><br>Signed: Don Quichotte of La Mancha.... <br><br><br><font style="color: #ff8000;"><font size="3"><strong>Credits</strong> </font></font><br><br>Leviathan1753. For Creating Automatic Variants (and <a href="http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes5Mod:SkyProc" rel="nofollow">Skyproc </a>which AV uses) and being very patient when I was asking way too many questions in his<a href="http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1397391-relwip-automatic-variants-thread-8" rel="nofollow"> AV thread</a>.<font size="1"> <br></font>AlienSlof for the use of her excellent textures.<br><br></skyrim>