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About this mod

Fixed version of the Fallout Hair Pack for Skyrim. Removes the shine from the hairstyles + NPCEditor Support!

Permissions and credits
Fallout 3 Hairpack
UPDATE v1.2 with NPCEditor Support
is availabel NOW!!!
NOTE: I stopped modding Skyrim for now.

Thanks for the 300 Endorsements and interest in my mod!

This mod will fix the shininess of the original Fallout Hair Pack and adds NPCEditor Support.
The original mod is NOT required!

When you guys know another mod which has to much shine like this one, let me know and I'll try to fix it for you!
Also tell me if you find any issues with the mod! Haven't got enough time to test it completly, yet.

Followers with these hairstyles:
Kaprinde of Alinor

1.2 Added NPCEditor support
1.0 Initial release

1. Download the mod with the NexusModManager
2. Activate it with it and overwrite if asked ( but normally you dont have to)
3. Check if the Fallout3Hairs.esp is checked in your Plugins-List (I'm sure the most of you know)
4. Enjoy the game without annoying shiny hair!

1. Download the mod manually to your PC
2. Extract the archive with any Compression tool (eg. Winrar, 7Zip..)
3. Drop the files in the DATA folder of your Skyrim directory and overwrite if asked
4. Activate the Fallout3Hairs.esp in your Skyrim Launcher
5. Enjoy the game without annoying shiny hair!

  • To avoid CTD, I recommend to only install the mods you really need ( don't use all hair mods available on the nexus for example)
  • For solving CTD disable all mods except the one you want to run and try.
  • If you use the showracemenu console command, I recommend that you use it in a small cell like a house or you use Light Room mod.
  • Also close all background programms, like your browser.
  • And all the other things that I can't remember right now but increase the general performance of the game.
  • Upgrade your system if you really want to enjoy many mods at the same time


My Mods: [size=0.5](Click the images)[/size]

Jasmin Lunari Race 1H Trainer Follower

I'm NOT the creator of the original mod, I just fixed the shininess problem!
All rights go to Radioragae, the creator of the original mod.
The original mod is found here.
Also thanks to apachii for the Apachiis Hair Mod, which helped me to fix the problem, but no data of Apachiis Hair Mod is used in mine.