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About this mod

The Silverfall mine is located at the south of Riverwood. Although closed for decades, the residents of Riverwood hear strange noises at night and hikers report of unusual lights. It is time that a brave hero explores the depths of the mine to break the curse of it...

Permissions and credits
  • Turkish
  • Portuguese
  • Polish
The Silverfall mine is located at the south of Riverwood. Although closed for decades, the residents of Riverwood hear strange noises at night and hikers report of unusual lights. It is time that a brave hero explores the depths of the mine to break the curse of it...

The quest will start automatically when you travel to Riverwood.

My other mod:

The Fifth Gate

My latest project:


German Version:


Chinese Version:


Leave behind all your companions, for example Lydia ... In the course of the quest, you will be teleported to different places, waht can lead to complications, even after completely navmeshed dungeons


Possible Problems:

While sneaking, not a single monster will attack:

To every enemy in this mod, a script has been added, which ensures that after spawning, the enemy prospect the player. However, it may happen that your sneak skill is so high, that the enemy does not see you and will not even attack. For an authentic game experience, I recommended, not to use the sneak mode...


This is the English translation of the German mod "In der Tiefe"

Version: 1.3 Patch


Thanks to Dale Pendlebury/ LernToFilm for the sounds. Check him out on Youtube