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About this mod

Compatibility patches for SkyRe / ReProccer, Bucklers - Shields and Other Armours, Black Sacrament Armor, Lustmord Vampire Armor, Winter Is Coming - Cloaks, Frostfall, Unique Female Followers, The Art of Magicka, Bandolier - Bags and Pouches, Bandolier for NPCs, the Crossbows Basic Collection, Brokefoot UNP Mashup Compilation, Temptress Race, etc.

Permissions and credits
SkyRe ReProccer Compatibility Patches

Compatibility patches for SkyRe / ReProccer, Bucklers - Shields and Other Armours, Black Sacrament Armor, Lustmord Vampire Armor, Winter Is Coming - Cloaks, Frostfall, Unique Female Followers, The Art of Magicka, Bandolier - Bags and Pouches, Bandolier - Dawnguard, Bandolier for NPCs, the Crossbows Basic Collection, Brokefoot UNP Mashup Compilation, Temptress Race, dwarven rifle Crossbow tipe, Automatic Crossbows, Ars Metallica, Bring Out Your Dead, TERA Armors Collection, Ethereal Elven Overhaul, 83Willow's Jenassa, Immersive Armors, Immersive Weapons, Immersive Armors for NPCs, Weapons and Armor Fixes - Remade with Dawnguard and Dragonborn support, Destructible Bottles Extended, Explosive Bolts Visualized, Skyforge Shields, Character Creation Overhaul, Book Covers Skyrim, Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons HD, Imps More Complex Needs, Destructible bottles Extended, B-D-Y-E-B Shield Mod, JaySuS Swords, Automatic Variants, Skeletons - Truly Undead, Syynxs Stubborn Skeletons, SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators and Skyrim Immersive Creatures made with TES5Edit Version 3.0.30 Experimental.

For the Stats.xml I took the one from "Balbors and Steelsouls SkyRe ReProccer xml file" Version 1.6, 3.1 and 3.7.

For all my patched esps, you need the original mods of course and endorse them, because they are awesome :3

If you have trouble with the question, which mods / patches you should use, here is good guide you could follow:
Installing ASIS and SkyRe with some additional stuff by Iroha of the step-project forums. I included some of the patches they made in my compilation.

I recommend using my patches with the Unofficial Skyrim Redone Patches by ExImIeR


Bashed Patch, 0.esp (Sorted here by BOSS)

Pre Automatic Variants + Skeleton Resurrection + SkyTEST + Immersive Creatures Patches

Automatic Variants.esp (Sorted here by BOSS)

ASIS-Dependency.esp (Sorted here by BOSS)

PreASISPatch / EEO / NoIW

ASIS.esp (If you don't use SUM)

Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp (Sorted here by BOSS)

Pre ReProccer WA Fixes / IW / UU / aMidianSS / IA patches

qotsafans IA6 Invisible Helmets Patch.esp (Either you put the patch here or after all SkyProccers (see below))

ReProccer.esp (If you don't use SUM)






qotsafans Miscellaneous ReProccer / Immersive Armors / Destruction Tweak Patches

qotsafans LeveledLists + JaySuS Swords + Immersive Weapons + Immersive Armors + BDYEB Patch

qotsafans BOYD / EEO / Jenassa / No JSwords Patches
Immersive Armors for NPCs (If you want IA for NPCs, but are not using BOYD, EEO or Jenassa)

qotsafans Ars Metallica / Harvest Overhaul Patch (A patch for Ars Metallica, not for Harvest Overhaul, but made compatible with HO)

qotsafans Dwarven Rifle / Autorifle / Autocrossbow ReProccer Patches

qotsafans Bucklers Complete / Only ReProccer Patches

qotsafans IA6 Invisible Helmets Patch.esp (BOSS will sort the patch here)

qotsafans Books + Book Covers Skyrim + Hearthfire Patches

qotsafans Ingestibles + Radiant Potions + Unique Booze + IMCN + Destructible Bottles + Hearthfire Patches

Version 3.7.2 contains:

- My stats.xml merged with Balbors and Steelsouls stats.xml version 3.7

- My Changes.xml

- Bucklers-Complete.esp version 2.3 with changed names and keywords

- Bucklers Only.esp version 2.3 with changed names and keywords

- Chesko_Frostfall.esp version 2.4a with some added keywords

- A maximum of 10 additional esps

- Esps with patches/fixes for BucklersComplete - Shields and Other Armours, BucklersOnly version 2.3, Winter Is Coming - Cloaks version 2.3, Art of Magicka, dwarven rifle Crossbow tipe, Automatic Crossbows, Ars Metallica, Ethereal Elven Overhaul, Bring Out Your Dead, 83Willow's Jenassa and ASIS

- Combined versions of my optional patches

- Compatibility esps for Unique Female Followers version 1.0 (with some fixes/changes)

- Mod exclusions: Winter is coming - Cloaks version 2.3, Art of Magicka, Bandolier - Bags and Pouches + Dawnguard, Bandolier for NPCs

- BlockList.txt for ReProccer (excluded at the moment) and ASIS block my post-ReProccer patches (and Balbors) (WIC ReProccer Patch for example) from being patched (and used as masters) by the ReProccer, so they can stay activated. (Normally the list is empty and generated after the first run of the SkyProc Patchers)

Version 3.0 (Pre SkyRe 1.0) contains (on hold in the miscellaneous files section):

Use with: ReProccer version 1.8, Balbor and Steelsouls SkyRe ReProccer Project version 3.1 (without the Dragonborn patches of course) and SkyRe version 0.99.23 + Just be sure not to use the ReProccerNONPLAYERfix (My Misc patch does the same) and Balbors stats.xml, because they contain the changed values for SkyRe 1.0+

- My stats.xml merged with Balbors and Steelsouls stats.xml version 3.1

- My Changes.xml

- Bucklers-Complete.esp version 2.3 with changed names and keywords

- Bucklers Only.esp version 2.3 with changed names and keywords

- Chesko_Frostfall.esp version 2.2b with some added keywords

- A maximum of 5 additional esps

- Esps with patches/fixes for BucklersComplete - Shields and Other Armours, BucklersOnly version 2.3, Black Sacrament Armor, Winter Is Coming - Cloaks version 2.2, Lustmord Vampire Armor, Art of Magicka, Crossbows Basic Collection (just the english version for now), Brokefoot UNP Mashup Compilation, Temptress Race, dwarven rifle Crossbow tipe, Automatic Crossbows and Ars Metallica

- Combined versions of my optional patches

- Compatibility esps for Unique Female Followers version 1.0 (with some fixes/changes)

- Mod exclusions: Winter is coming - Cloaks version 2.2, Art of Magicka, Bandolier - Bags and Pouches + Dawnguard, Bandolier for NPCs

- BlockList.txt for ReProccer and ASIS block my post-ReProccer patches (and Balbors) (WIC ReProccer Patch for example) from being patched (and used as masters) by the ReProccer, so they can stay activated. (Normally the list is empty and generated after the first run of the SkyProc Patchers)

Version (Pre Dragonborn) contains (on hold in the miscellaneous files section):

- My stats.xml merged with Balbors and Steelsouls stats.xml version 1.6

- My Changes.xml

- Bucklers-Complete.esp version 2.3 with changed names and keywords

- Bucklers Only.esp version 2.3 with changed names and keywords

- Chesko_Frostfall.esp version 2.2b with some added keywords

- Esps with patches/fixes for BucklersComplete - Shields and Other Armours, BucklersOnly, Black Sacrament Armor, Winter Is Coming - Cloaks, Lustmord Vampire Armor and Art of Magicka

- Compatibility esps for Unique Female Followers version 1.0 (with some fixes/changes)

- Mod exclusions: Winter is coming - Cloaks, Art of Magicka, Bandolier - Bags and Pouches + Dawnguard, Bandolier for NPCs

Details for ASIS:

Load order for my patches:

Please also look at Skyre Asis Inis by Getlow2, they have even more exclusion and for other mods too and it's frequently update, because the community is helping with the process.

Information given for ASIS "Automatic Perks" by ztrathego:

If you don't make changes to AutomaticPerks.ini you are right it doesn't work well with SkyRe. For SkyRe 1.2 this needs to be added under [PERKEXCLUSIONCONTAINS] in AutomaticPerks.ini:


ShadowPhantasm for being a good friend, providing useful information and keeping me sane while patching :D
T3nd0 for SkyRe and ReProccer
VincentIcarus for Bucklers - Shields and Other Armours
Balbor and Steelsouls for Balbors SkyRe ReProccer xml File
Zilav and Sharlikran for Tes5 Edit
nivea for Winter Is Coming - Cloaks
AmethystDeceiver for Black Sacrament Armor
Chesko for Frostfall
mayatola for Unique Female Followers
AmethystDeceiver for Lustmord Vampire Armor
Zonzai and Kalell for The Art of Magicka
Dragten for Bandolier - Bags and Pouches and Bandolier - Dawnguard
Omeletter for Bandolier for NPCs
DJjojo for Crossbows Basic Collection
brokefoot for Brokefoot UNP Mashup Compilation
Psychos1s and Brokefoot for Temptress Race
mahty for dwarven rifle Crossbow tipe
J3X for Automatic Crossbows
Arthmoor for Ars Metallica - Smithing
and Bring Out Your Dead
asianboy345 for TERA Armors Collection
nuska for Ethereal Elven Overhaul
83Willow for Jenassa
hothtrooper44 for Immersive Armors and Immersive Weapons
toolmjk for Immersive Armors for NPCs
kryptopyr for Weapons and Armor Fixes - Remade with Dawnguard and Dragonborn support
FCqt from the step-project forum for the Script Fix and a patch for Destructible Bottles by lamer1000
William Imm's patches for Explosive Bolts Visualized by MadCat221 and Skyforge Shields by Dreogan
syclonix for Character Creation Overhaul
ExImIeR for the Unofficial Skyrim Redone Patches
DanielCoffey and doccdr for Book Covers Skyrim
exray catt (XRC) for Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons HD
Imp of the Perverse for Imps More Complex Needs
lamer1000 for Destructible bottles Extended
TheMalfazar for B-D-Y-E-B Shield Mod
JaySuS for JaySuS Swords
Leviathan1753 for Automatic Variants
BrotherBob and Restutitor Orbis for Skeletons - Truly Undead
Jjiinx for Syynxs Stubborn Skeletons
EtaYorius for SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators
lifestorock for Skyrim Immersive Creatures