3 items

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About this mod

Adds 4 umbrellas that equip like torches

Permissions and credits
I am an amateur modder and 3d model maker, so this is what it is.
the umbrella was made in 3ds max and utilizes the handle mesh of
the imperial sword. Everything else, including the textures, are originals made by myself.

Known issue: if wielded, when blocking and bashing with the umbrella it will still catch people on fire. other than that there are no bugs and shouldn't be any compatibility issues.
This mod is now supported by the newest version of Isoku's Wet & Cold mod. some cool stuff here:
latest 1.9 patch
item ID's:
canvas xx0012D1
Dark Canvas xx002886
Wolf Skinxx0038ae
Added a new variant: Wolf Skin. the wood frame is replaced by steel, with a dark wolf skin texture for the umbrella itself. a nice dark/rugged feel.
Improved UV maps for all variants.

Optimized and fixed meshes, improved normal maps, reduced specular/glossy, new textures for the wood and metal parts, improved textures for the umbrella.

Newer, higher definition textures and a vastly improved (working!) normal maps.
I am leaving the old version up in case anyone prefers it.

optimized textures (removed unnecessary alpha channels)
fixed specular (sun glare looks normal, no weird creases anymore)
saved normal maps at correct resolution

added a dark canvas version and a leather version
adjusted the tilt slightly to cover the character better, without obtrusive clipping on the hands.


Showcased on Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 64:
To Install:

recommended: Use NMM to install
extract files, drag and drop into skyrim main folder
to add item open the console with "~" and type player.additem xx0012D1 1 (use the desired version ID)
note the load order of this mod, as it will denote the "xx" of the item id.
i.e, if you have 3 mods and this is the third, the item id would be 030012D1, followed by item count.
compatibility issues:
none known