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About this mod

Fixes Skyrim\'s annoying Eye Adaptation (aka Fake HDR)

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This mod fixes Skyrim's annoying eye adaptation effect (which makes everything momentarily go super bright when you look up at the sky, for example) by setting Eye Adaptation Speed to 35 and Eye Adaptation Strength to 1 in ALL imagespaces (except the loading screen). The result is a true eye adaptation effect, rather than Skyrim's default exaggerated eye adaptation effect.

The intention is to "fix" the eye adaptation, not disable it completely.

Certain spell effects (like Dragon Breath) use modifiers to change the eye adaptation effect (so you go blind for a moment). These modifiers have NOT been changed in this mod.

This mod was created using the Creation Kit.

This mod is incompatible with mods that change the imagespaces, such as the "Realistic Lighting" mod.

There are no screenshots because the eye adaptation effect can only be seen in motion. Instead, I have added a video of the mod in action.

Please endorse the mod if you like it.

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