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About this mod

This modification incorporates high-definition textures in the mountains and snow.

Permissions and credits
Enhanced version of the snow, mountains and caves.

The new textures are made with Filter Forge and Photoshop, avoiding the mosaic effect. The images are compressed with DXT1 and DXT5.


INSTALLATION: Unzip the file into the game folder (normally C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim)

Uninstallation: Delete the files.


Version 0.041

- Added version 1024px
- New snow texture using real pictures. The size is 2048px since there is no quality difference in the game over 4096px.

Version 0.03

- Added the textures of the caves.

Version 0.021:

- Redesign of snow.
- Modification of the normal map of the rocks.
- Change the color and alpha channel to achieve a look similar to the original textures.

I made performance tests with FRAPS and I find no lost frames when using this mod. But it may increase load times.

I hope you like:)

Tested with:
ATI Sapphire 6870 1GB
Windows XP SP2 x64
Quad 8200 (2.8GHz) - 6GB RAM - 1920x1080

Mods installed:
Better more realistic look Version 3
4GB Skyrim
Enhanced Night Skyrim